Womack Report

October 2, 2008

Learning, October 2 2008

Filed under: Notes,School — Tags: — Phillip Womack @ 9:51 pm

Talking a lot about Pavlovian conditioning today.So far, fairly dull.

Acquisition of behavior is the process of getting a new response to a stimulus.

Extinction is the phenomenon of losing a learned response.  The association of stimulus and behavior isn’t necessarily gone, but the subject stops giving the behavior.  Reacquiring the behavior will generally be quicker a second time.

Spontaneous recovery is the phenomenon of an extinct behavior cropping back up again without being reinforced.  This is common.  If you reinforce the behavior after a spontaneous recovery, it will resurge strongly.

Reflexes can be files into three categories.

  • Present at birth, and then dissipates
  • Present at birth, and permanent
  • Not present at birth, but show up as you mature

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