Womack Report

August 26, 2008

HR Info Systems, August 26 2008

Filed under: Notes,School — Phillip Womack @ 7:37 pm

Getting started in my HR Information Systems class. I don’t have high hopes for this class; I really picked it on the assumption that it would end up being easy. Time will tell.

It’s starting to look like it will be an online course. It was not listed as such in the syllabus when I signed up, but the course was apparently designed to be online-only originally. Enough people signed up with it as a lecture class that the professor will have to run it as lecture unless we agree otherwise. She’d clearly rather do it that way. I’d rather have a lecture class than an online class, all else being equal, but I’d rather have a good online class than a poor lecture. So, I can go either way.Professor is Judith Sanders. Just started working on her doctorate. Apparently works at NASA, doing HR.

Class will be mostly web-based.  Five in-class meetings, including tonight.  Next week we’re meeting, too.  After that, it’s only when we have presentations due.

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