Womack Report

July 1, 2008

Organizational Behavior, July 1 2008

Filed under: School — Phillip Womack @ 4:19 pm

We got our tests from last class back.  I did quite poorly.  67, including about twelve points that were clearly just freebies on the “discussion” question.  This whole thing makes me fairly angry.

The test itself was very poorly constructed.  Clearly a test bank put together by the textbook maker.  Opara flatly said they were a test bank and he didn’t make the test or grade it.  Lots of True/False questions, which are almost inevitably trick questions, and these were no exception.  The rest were multiple choice, but typically multiple choice where none of the answers made sense, or all seemed equally correct.  In several cases, the answer marked as “correct” was in flat disagreement with the textbook.  The most egregious example of this was four consecutive questions that more than 50% of the class answered identically, and got wrong.  That sort of thing indicates a problem with the teaching or the testing, not the learning.  To put in in OB terms, that indicates external causation.  High consensus, high consistency, high distinctiveness.

The essay is just as bad.  A woman in my group answered amazingly better than me.  Had all five points asked for correct.  Got either 8 or 18 points.  I got one of those points correct, and received 15 points on the essay.  Didn’t even use complete sentences.

I’m dropping this class, and taking it over in the fall.  Already did the registration.

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