Womack Report

June 6, 2007

Business Calculus and such

Filed under: Math,School — Phillip Womack @ 4:53 pm

First new update in a while. I’m sitting in my business calculus class, which won’t actually start up for another fifteen minutes or so. At that point, I’ll be putting the computer away. Laptops are not encouraged in this class.

Business calc is not generally looking to be an exciting, fun-filled course. Professor is fairly humorless, and the subject is, well, math. Doesn’t help that the course is being handled in a very cryptic manner. I’m been here for two days already. I know how to find a limit, given a properly set up problem, and how to find a derivative. There has not, thus far, been any discussion of what a derivative is or what use knowing it is to me. Some of that I can pick up by reading the book; apparently I’ll have to get all of it that way.

Teaching style, so far, is to stand at the front of the room and write equations on the whiteboard, solve them for whatever result we want, and then erase the equation and start a new equation. I’ll just have to deal with the instruction I have. On the bright side, rather than collecting homework, there will be daily quizzes over previous material. That should help force me to stay on top of things, and fits my general tendency to not do homework much better, to boot.

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